COVID-19 Resource Center
Government Resources
As a source of information and guidance for your government organization, the industry experts at Abdo are here for you. We're researching the latest legislation, local news, and relevant updates around COVID-19 to help government organizations navigate this unprecedented time. Contact your Abdo advisor to discuss your specific situation. We are here to help.
Latest Updates
2021 FFCRA Leave for State and Local Government Employers
The recent enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) extended the voluntary employer option to offer credit-eligible FFCRA leave and also made state and local governments eligible for the full tax credits, effective April 1 through September 30, 2021.
What You Should Know Before Your Organization Accepts Federal Funding
Federal grant programs can come with administrative requirements that can overburden staff. If your organization has accepted—or plans to accept—federal grant money, it’s important to understand the requirements that come along with it.
Coronavirus Relief Fund Updates for Local Governments
Over the past few weeks, the US Treasury Department and the Minnesota Management & Budget (MMB) have issued updated Coronavirus Relief Fund guidance. We’ve broken down some of the key items from this guidance that may be important for your organization.
Payroll Tax Deferral – Updates Based on Current Guidance
On August 28, 2020, the Department of Treasury and Internal Revenue Service issued much awaited guidance regarding the Presidential Executive Order, effective on September 1, 2020, allowing for the deferral of withholding and payment of the employee’s portion of the Social Security tax.
Abdo Recovery Plan
Helping you plan for the road ahead
During these never-before-seen times, organizations are forced to navigate a multitude of unfamiliar challenges and the question on everyone's mind is "where do we go from here?" Knowing this, we've developed a toolkit to assess your immediate and long-term challenges, potential risks, and cash-flow requirements.
The Abdo Recovery Plan is designed to help you in three important ways:
Paycheck Protection Program Toolkit
Maximize your forgiveness by tracking your Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) loan expenditures to determine what qualifies for forgiveness.
Cash Flow
Projection Toolkit
Project your current and future cash flow, so you can plan your recovery.
Human Resources Toolkit
Manage delicate human resources challenges related to the FFCRA and the CARES Act with the support of our experienced HR professionals.
Resource Library
Government Resources
Payroll Tax Deferral—Questions for Implementation (Article) — [Posted 8/27/2020] Employers — We know there are a lot of unanswered questions regarding the executive order to defer the employee portion of Social Security tax. Our team is closely monitoring the information coming from the Treasury and has laid out a list of questions we’ll be looking to have answered when the guidance comes through.
Webinar Recap: Practical Employer Response to COVID in the Workplace (Article)– [Posted 8/19/2020] To help you better understand how to handle a positive COVID-19 test result, the Abdo Workforce Solutions team recently recorded a webinar on the topic.
What Local Governments Should Know About Reporting CARES Act Funds (Article) — [Posted 8/06/2020] Since late June, Minnesota cities, counties, and townships have been busy certifying their eligibility to receive federal Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) distributions. Here’s what all Minnesota local governments should know about this MMB reporting requirement.
CARES Act Tracking of Eligible Expenses (Excel) — [ Posted 8/6/2020 ] We have created a comprehensive excel document to be used as a resources for tracking your eligible expenses.
How Will COVID-19 Impact Your Organization’s 2021 Budget? (Article) — [Posted 8/4/2020] In the midst of these challenges, budgeting season looms, bringing with it a difficult question: How will COVID-19 impact your organization’s 2021 budget? Here are a few steps you can take to begin formulating an answer.
CARES Act Tracking of Eligible Expenses (Excel) — [ Posted 8/6/2020 ] We have created a comprehensive excel document to be used as a resources for tracking your eligible expenses.
CARES Act Resources for Schools (PDF) — [ Posted 6/30/2020 ] We’ve compiled relevant links for schools regarding the latest updates surrounding CARES Act funding, GASB Guidance on CARES Act funding, and more.
CARES Act Resources for Cities, Counties, & Townships (PDF) — [ Posted 6/30/2020 ] We’ve compiled relevant links for cities, counties, and townships regarding the latest updates surrounding CARES Act funding, GASB Guidance on CARES Act funding, and more.
FEMA Reimbursements & Single Audit Considerations (Podcast) — [ Posted 4/11/2020 ] Bonnie Schwieger and Layne Kockelman provide details on what emergency protective measures are eligible for FEMA reimbursement, considerations for Single Audits when it comes to FEMA reimbursement, as well as internal controls related to changing work environments and Single Audits.
Budget Considerations for Cities (Podcast) — [ Posted 4/7/2020 ] Join Jean McGann and Victoria Holthaus from Abdo Financial Solutions as they discuss the COVID-19 pandemic and how this crisis may impact your city’s upcoming budget considerations for 2020 and 2021.
Common Questions (PDF) — [ Posted 4/3/2020 ] Answers to some of common questions regarding COVID-19 and its impact on government entities.
Staffing Changes at City Hall (PDF) — [ Posted 4/3/2020 ] How staffing changes at City Hall may impact accounting procedures and internal controls.
Standard Implementation Date Changes (PDF) — [ Posted 4/3/2020 ] Final guidance is expected to be release in May of 2020 regarding a possible delay in effective dates for some statements and implementation guides.
External Resources:
For Cities: The League of Minnesota Cities
For Schools: MN Association of School Business Officials
For Counties: Association of MN Counties
For Governments:
Government Finance Officers Association of United States and Canada
Employer Resources & Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) Information
2021 FFCRA Leave for State and Local Government Employers (Article) — [05/11/2021] The recent enactment of the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) extended the voluntary employer option to offer credit-eligible FFCRA leave and also made state and local governments eligible for the full tax credits, effective April 1 through September 30, 2021.
Returning to Work: OSHA Guidance for Employers (Article) — [ Posted 6/30/2020 ] Does your organization have a re-opening plan in place? The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has issued guidance for reopening businesses and the Abdo Workforce Solutions team is here to help you create a plan.
COVID-19 Diagnosis Timeline for Employers (PDF) — [ Posted 6/4/2020 ] When one of your employees is diagnosed with COVID-19 in the workplace, the steps you take in the following 24 to 48 hours are critical. To help you determine how your organization will respond to a positive COVID diagnosis, our experts from AEM Workforce Solutions have created this comprehensive timeline with step-by-step actions based on guidance from the CDC and EEOC Pandemic.
FFCRA & CARES Act | Updated Information for Employers (Podcast) — [ Posted 5/11/2020 ] Listen in for a comprehensive overview of what you need to know now as an employer regarding the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act.
COVID-19 Related Employee Work Leave (PDF) — Identifying When and How to Pay Employees
U.S. Department of Labor Q&A (External Link) — Families First Coronavirus Response Act
Families First Coronavirus Response Act | How to Prepare for Implementation (Podcast) — Tips to help you ensure a successful implementation of the FFCRA for your HR department and a smooth experience for your employees requesting leave.
Required notification on employee rights (PDF) — this is a required notice for all employers with 500 or less employees. Must be posted or electronically distributed by April 1, 2020
Minnesota unemployment links: General, Owners, and Employees
Email Communications
Please click below to view communications sent to government clients:
Informative Links for You
FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. The content presented within our resource center and in our recordings is for informational purposes only. The thoughts and ideas expressed in the content and within the recordings do not constitute professional advice. This information should not be relied upon by you or any third party, including to maintain regulatory compliance with federal or state laws, conduct the human resources or payroll functions of your organization, operate or promote your organization, obtain any regulatory or governmental approvals, or otherwise be used in connection with procuring services or other benefits from any entity. Before taking any action, please consult with a professional advisor.