
Employee Benefit Plan Audits

Audit Services

Expertise that ensures compliance of complex Department of Labor regulations plus safeguards plan assets for your employees.

Ever-changing regulations regarding employee benefit plans (EBPs) create a complicated situation for employers. Fortunately, our team of specialized EBP audit advisors guide you through the compliance procedures for your 401(k), 403(b), profit sharing, health and welfare, full-scope, or limited-scope plan.

Our thorough understanding ensures you can be confident that your plan is proactive, responsive, and compliant. We stay up-to-date on all the latest developments, in part due to:

  • Membership in the AICPA Employee Benefit Plan Audit Center
  • Attendance at the MNCPA’s annual employee benefit plan conference
  • An affiliation with DFK International/USA, an association of more than 200 independent accounting firms

Want to learn more?


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Guiding you to the best way forward

Our experience delivers proactive problem-solving for any challenge.