Under Steve’s leadership, Abdo has helped governments, nonprofits and businesses find their path to success.
As a culinary enthusiast, Steve knows that quality ingredients and dynamic flavors transform an ordinary meal into a culinary experience. By the same token, he also understands how quality, highly trained staff can take Abdo—and its clients—to the next level.
Under Steve’s leadership, Abdo has experienced exceptional growth. The firm has spent a lot of time on staff development, investing in everything from technical skills to leadership and management skills. Steve, and in turn, the firm, is committed to helping our people grow, so that we are better equipped to assist our clients in their own growth.
Staying focused on helping our clients find success by partnering with them to understand and solve their challenges is at the core of our service philosophy. As Managing Partner, Steve empowers Abdo’s people with a process that is goes beyond tax and auditing services to be completely client centered.
Since joining the firm in 1991, Steve has helped governments, nonprofits, businesses and individuals throughout Minnesota find their path to success. Immediately after graduating from Minot State University, he came to work for Abdo. He was inspired by a business case study project in college, and he liked using his skills to help a company be better.
When he’s not cooking up a gourmet meal, he enjoys reading, sports of all types, and staying involved in the activities of his three children.
What do you like to do in your free time?
It’s hard to narrow down. I love mountain biking, golf, fly fishing and spending time with my family. So ideally its great when I can combine them. My best combination is with my wife, Jennifer, and one of my kids to do nine holes in the evening on one of those perfect Minnesota summer nights. Two of them grab a cart. I walk. They make jokes at my expense, and we have a great time.
What is your favorite quote?
“The road to hell is paved with good intentions” My 11th grade history teacher had this posted on the wall and always has had meaning to me. We can say all the right things but it’s the action and results that make a difference.
What’s your favorite part about being an accountant?
I love the relationships that develop over time. These relationships and our unique perspective give us opportunities to help our clients grow and prosper. Its so satisfying to know that you have helped contribute to others success.

This is a family photo near Dingle in Ireland. Upon my son’s, Cooper, graduation from high school he chose a location for a family trip. We had an amazing time for two weeks in Ireland.
Industry Specialties
- Government
- Professional services
Service Specialties
- Technology & Data Solutions
- Audit
- Financial Management
- Strategic planning
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Minot State University
- Continuing professional education as required by AICPA
Professional Memberships
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants
- Minnesota Government Finance Officers Association
- Young Presidents Organization
- Edina Community Foundation – Past Treasurer
- Minnesota Youth Hockey Association – Past Treasurer
- DFK USA – Past President