Now retired from Abdo, Jack remains passionate about lifting up organizations throughout the community.
Jack can’t seem to get the accountant out of him.
As the son of the founder of Abdo, problem solving is a part of Jack’s heritage. Since joining the firm in 1987, he’s overseen audits for nonprofits throughout Minnesota, including audits under Uniform Guidance and audits regulated by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. His expertise and proactive way of working with his clients helps them to clients identify cost-savings and areas of improvement.
Jack leads the firm’s audit services and external peer review practices and is part of the Minnesota Society’s Peer Review Committee. He is also active in several nonprofit and industry associations
Jack enjoys spending time with his wife and their rescue dog, Louis (aka “Lou” for short). Jack and Maggie have two adult children and reside in the Highland Park community of Saint Paul, Minnesota.
What would you be doing if you weren’t an accountant?
Realistically I think I would own some kind of small business, but I would really like to be the play-by-play announcer for local Minnesota Viking broadcasts.
What do you like to do in your free time?
I enjoy walking our dog, biking, hiking, traveling, gambling, and attending Minnesota sporting events, especially the Minnesota Wild.
What was your first job growing up?
I delivered the afternoon newspaper for the Mankato Free Press.

Maggie and I with our kids, Katie and Sam, and my mom Meredith celebrating her 90th birthday.
Industry Specialties
- Nonprofit
- Business
Service Specialties
- Audit (Yellow Book Audit)
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting, University of Saint Thomas
- Continuing professional education as required by the AICPA
Professional Memberships
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA)
- Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants
- Minnesota Council of Nonprofits
- DFK International Non-Profit Committee’s Former Chair
- Former member of MNCPA Report Review Committee
- Member of the MNCPA Peer Review Committee
- Former Board Member/Treasurer of several local non-profit entities
- Board Member for Rivers Ridge Holding Company/Bank Vista and SportsHub Games Network, Inc.