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Top issues facing local governments in 2024

To give you a better understanding of local government issues that could impact your organization this year, we sat down with Andy to get his insights.

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City Utility Rate Analysis

3 Reasons to review your city’s utility rates ASAP

Regardless of your city’s current situation, it’s critical to regularly analyze its future resources for capital projects. A utility rate analysis could help.

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Ensure your team is ready for ARPA reporting

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In April, the US Treasury will open the portal for reporting on American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) expenditures – ensure your team is getting ahead of the reporting process.

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How to make this year’s budgeting process your city’s best yet

Does thinking about creating your city’s annual budget cause a spike in your cortisol levels? If so, you’re not alone. But “budgeting” doesn’t have to be a bad word!

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Preparing for Your Government Audit

5 Benefits of preparing for your government audit all year long


Your government audit takes place once a year so it can be tempting to only think about it, well, once a year. But preparing last-minute can increase your audit-related stress and keep your organization from being truly prepared.

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bond rating call

Preparing for a Bond Rating Call

Whether you are an experienced finance director or have never presented at a bond rating call before, discover the knowledge and strategies to impress the rating agencies and secure a favorable bond rating for your city.

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GASB Updates: How to prepare your organization


Webinar hosted Wednesday, November 8, 2023   |   11:00 AM – 12:00 PM CDT
Join us for our upcoming webinar which will provide an overview of the new GASB standards and help you understand how they will impact your organization.

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Governmental Entity Investment Policy

Is your governmental entity’s investment policy still relevant?

Markets have changed rapidly over the last year. Interest rates and costs are continuing to rise. Is your governmental entity’s investment policy keeping up?

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What your organization should know about GASB 96


If your organization is like most, it maintains several—if not dozens—of software subscriptions. Now, thanks to GASB Statement No. 96, your organization will need to account for and disclose these subscriptions.

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2023 Minnesota Employment Legislation Updates
for Public Sector Employers


Tuesday, September 12, 2023 | 9:00am – 11:30am
Our team broke down the 2023 legislation passed in Minnesota and how this impacts public sector employers across the state.

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