Payroll Solutions
HR & Payroll
Complete, customized payroll services for maintaining operations and workflow.
Take payroll off your to-do list. Our solutions simplify every step of the process from preparation to reporting, ensuring every employee is paid accurately and on time.
As members of the American Payroll Association, we proactively review industry updates to payroll laws and tax compliance, so you can be confident that your practices always meet—or exceed—industry standards. From check writing and direct deposit to payroll tax filing and W-2s, you can rest easy knowing your payroll is taken care of, and turn your attention to the path ahead.
A behind-the-numbers view of best practices and holistic thinking.
Benefits of a data-driven approach to your employee benefit plan audit
In recent years, a solution has emerged that allows for a more efficient, data-driven approach to your annual employee benefit plan (EBP) audit – cutting back on stress for your finance and human resources departments.
Accounting for election judge pay: What Minnesota cities need to know
As we approach another busy election season, here are some basic items to remember about election judge wages.
Guiding you to the best way forward
Our experience delivers proactive problem-solving for any challenge.
Leah Davis, CPA
With experience and empathy, Leah develops customized solutions to help employers solve their people challenges.