Business Growth & Transition
Business Valuation
The constant quest to increasing your company’s value can fall by the wayside during day-to-day operations. Abdo helps with the most valuable first step: a detailed business valuation to define next steps and ultimate goals.
Putting out daily fires and running into one challenge after another makes it difficult for a business owner to think about tomorrow—it feels as if you’re putting one foot in front of the other yet staying in one place. Whether you want to prepare for facing a potential sale, planning your estate, or seeking to satisfy a legal or regulatory issue, we can help you get ready for what lies ahead.
A deep-and-wide business valuation is a crucial starting point. It’s more than a snapshot of your profit-and-loss situation: it’s an assessment of value over time, helping you create a vision for the long-term future of your business. Offering clear insights, our advisors shine a light on a path forward, defining long-term goals and outlining incremental steps to achieving them. We’ll help you implement the actions needed for growth, so you can gain traction for a brighter future.
Abdo Insights
A behind-the-numbers view of best practices and holistic thinking.
Valuations can help business owners plan for the future
Most business owners know that a valuation will be necessary if they decide to sell their companies. But there are other reasons to consider a business valuation.
Avoid succession obstacles with a buy-sell agreement
If your business has multiple owners, we strongly advise building a buy-sell agreement into your succession plan. Learn more about how these agreements work and why they’re important.
Abdo expertise
Guiding you to the best way forward
Our experience delivers proactive problem-solving for any challenge.
Scott Danger, CPA, CVA
Scott helps his clients gain a deeper understanding of their business and its value, enabling them to feel confidence in each step they take.
Andrew F. Brower, MBA, ASA, ABV
Andy provides his clients with valuable insight into their business, its value, and the road ahead.