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Strong billing processes are critical to healthy cash flow

August 29, 2023

billing processes

Once a business is up and running, one fundamental aspect of operations that’s easy to take for granted is billing. Various processes are put in place and leadership might consider occasional billing mistakes to be part of the “cost of doing business.” This may be a solution for the short term or during periods of low capacity, but in order to maintain financial stability in the long run, it’s important to regularly check in on your billing processes to ensure they’re as efficient, effective and accurate as possible.

Resolve mistakes quickly

Many billing problems originate from a gradual deterioration in the quality of products or services. You may be giving customers an excuse not to pay their bills if products are showing up late or damaged — or not at all. The same goes for services that aren’t provided in a timely, satisfactory or professional manner.

When it comes to billing processes, common mistakes include invoicing a customer for an incorrect amount or failing to apply promised discounts or special offers. Be sure to listen to customer complaints and track errors so you can identify trends and implement effective solutions.

In addition, regularly verify account information to make sure invoices and statements are accurate and going to the right people. Set clear standards and expectations with customers — both verbally and in writing — about your policies regarding pricing, payment terms, credit and delivery times.

On the flip side, work closely with your managers and supervisors to ensure employees are well-trained to enforce billing policies. Staff members should prioritize quick resolutions to billing mistakes and disputes. They should also ask customers to pay any portion of a bill not in question. Once the matter is resolved, the customer should be politely asked to pay off the remainder immediately.

Tighten up timeliness

For invoice-based businesses, regularly sending out bills late can negatively impact collections. Familiarize yourself with current industry norms before setting payment schedules.

Traditionally, such schedules tend to be based on 30-, 45- or 60-day cycles. But times may have changed — particularly now that so much billing is done electronically. What’s more, many companies permit their most important or largest customers to set their own customized payment schedules. If this is the case for you, be sure to adjust your cash flow expectations and projections to recognize these variances.

As mentioned, today’s technology is driving how most businesses handle billing. An automated system can generate invoices when work is complete, flag problem accounts and generate useful financial reports.

If you haven’t already, consider sending invoices electronically and enabling customers to pay online. Doing so can greatly speed up payment. Like any software, however, you’ll need to reassess it from time to time to determine whether you need an upgrade.

Control what you can

There are so many aspects to doing business that are unpredictable — the global, national and local economies; customer tastes and demands; and disruptive competitors. That’s why it’s so important for you as a business owner to be proactive about the things you can control. Abdo can help you assess the efficacy of your billing processes and identify ways to improve cash flow – reach out to our team today to get the conversation started.


Meet the Expert

Jay Dunphy, CPA

Jay’s core principle: help clients navigate bumps by strategically planning ahead for challenges.

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